Welcome to Utterly Random Squirrel by Vincent Hase: Creative Person. I Think. I Write. I Laugh. I Live - Until I eventually don’t live, anymore (it’s inevitable, after all) - then the previous items, listed above, are all off the table.
There may be a funny thought, There may be a serious thought. There may be a thought that trails off into nothing in particular, or one that makes such an amazing point that I can retire to the Bahamas and rest on my laurels (whatever those might be).
If I offend conservatives, I humbly apologize. But hang in there, I’ll tick-off liberals, soon enough. Personally, we should all really get back to simply being human beings, but all your stupid baggage about being right while everyone else is wrong makes that impossible, doesn’t it? There - I offended you before you even started reading an actual article. You’re welcome.
So, why not sign up and get Utterly Random Squirrel delivered to your inbox? The outlook is good: The forecast calls for scattered thoughts, followed by a period of semi-lucid writings, with highs in the low - um - something or other. I’m afraid I can’t seem to come up with any more weather forecast analogies. I probably should have re-thought this whole paragraph before writing it down, but, hey - If nothing else, at least I’m committed…
And later, I will most probably be committed. Then this will become an amazing chronicle of my journey through the mental health system - And won’t you want to be on the ground-floor for that?
And while you are waiting for my next thought, please tell your friends!